Canadian Whisky

Canadian Whisky-The History of Canadian Whisky dates back to the 1800's when Rum, which was prevalent was mixed with 'high wine', which was a whisky spirit made from grains. This made it stretch further and added flavour. American and Irish spell it "whiskey". But the Scots and Canadians spell it "Whisky" .The ancient Gaels spelled it uisquebaug...

Canadian Whisky-The History of Canadian Whisky dates back to the 1800's when Rum, which was prevalent was mixed with 'high wine', which was a whisky spirit made from grains. This made it stretch further and added flavour. American and Irish spell it "whiskey". But the Scots and Canadians spell it "Whisky" .The ancient Gaels spelled it uisquebaugh.

Fur Traders quickly realized that the Indians had no use for gold or money. However, they enjoyed 'fire-water'. Most Canadian Whisky contains rye, it is not straight rye whisky; but a lighter blend. It is mostly blended with corn.

Some blends even contain Bourbon. It is second in consumption only to Vodka in the U.S. today. Canadian whisky may be bottled either in the U.S. or in Canada. Canadian whisky must be aged in oak casks for a minimum of three years


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